

Partner With Us

Firelight Akademia works with individuals, companies, governments, international organizations, educational institutions, and charitable foundations who are passionate about education, academics, the creative arts, language learning, storytelling, technology, human development, and global communication.

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Strategic Partners

We are always looking to create, build, and nurture fresh opportunities, fruitful collaborations, and meaningful relationships with other likeminded mission-driven individuals and organizations.


Committed Contributors

We are always looking for passionate individuals or committed groups who would like to contribute their unique content, skill, knowledge, services, products, or connections in service of our underlying mission and larger vision.

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Generous Sponsors

We are always looking for sustainable ways to support, strengthen, and expand our global reach. This could be anything from sponsoring an event to providing technology, expertise, support, or relevant content subscription access.

Tangible Benefits

Firelight Akademia is driven by partnership, learning together, and promoting positive transformation. When it comes to our business partners, we appreciate and understand corporate social responsibility, marketing and other operational strategies, and work to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes.

Partnering with us enables you to:

Reach or Expand Your Audience

Our members and clients are engaged, passionate, and global-minded citizens. As the leading organization that provides English-language learning services and connects Asian stakeholders with the rest of the English-speaking world, for the right partners, we have an eager and captive audience who appreciate and reward quality.

Gain Access to Our Network

In addition to our member network, you will be able to leverage our network of area expertise in English language learning and teaching, the creative arts, storytelling, and global communication. Through our vast experience working around the world, we have forged relationships with valuable stakeholders at all organizational/social levels.

Make Impact & Achieve CSR Aims

Our mission is to foster personal, academic, and professional development while connecting the world through global communication. Utilizing our network and experience in running socially-minded programming, we can develop services or initiatives that help you meet your CSR aims while making substantive impact.

Build Trust & Enhance Brand

Our company is based on a strong foundation of respect, integrity, open-mindedness, creativity, and professionalism. We believe in fostering deep curiosity and wonder, engaging in academic inquiry for the sake of human development, and the value of global communication.  We only work with likeminded groups.

If you believe in our vision and feel that you can contribute to our mission, please send us a message so we can begin to explore our possibilities together.

We look forward to connecting with you.