Our Team


Our Team

Kane 老師

Kane 老師

Founder & Chief Creative Firelighter

Kane was born in Michigan, raised in southern California, and has lived in Arizona, Texas, NYC, Tokyo, Beijing, and Taipei. He is a long-time university lecturer, storyteller, photographer, and world traveler. He has circumnavigated the globe on two occasions via ship, visiting 50+ countries along his journeys. Kane has degrees from UCSD & Teachers College, Columbia University.

Sugar Sweet Mocha

Sugar Sweet Mocha

Official Staff Mascot

Mocha was born in Kaoshiung but has been raised in Taipei. She likes eating food, farting, chasing balls in the park, drinking water, burping, making a mess, acting all cute, sleeping, getting her belly rubbed, and repeating the pattern over and over again. Mocha does not have any degrees though she can often be found studying human behavior and language patterns at the Firelight Spacelab.

Jason 老師

Jason 老師


Jason is from Colorado and has taught at various educational institutions in Korea, Mexico, and China. He is an avid world traveler, a philosopher by training, a published poet, and has worked as the editor at Paradigm Publishers. Jason has degrees from the University of Colorado, Boston College, and is currently pursuing a second graduate degree at Oxford University.